Eighteen Short Years: Travel. Adventure. Joy.


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Back to School(ing)

Public school, homeschool, forest school, (no) cyber charter school, oh my. One would think that with only two children, our back to school routine would be fairly simple. It’s not that our year is overly challenging so far, but we do have a lot of proverbial balls up in the air regarding school choice for

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Traveling East: Oregon Wildfire and Idaho’s Craters of the Moon

According to our trusty Google maps, fourteen and a half hours of driving lay between Eugene Premier RV Resort and our next stop at Flagg Ranch Campground in Moran, Wyoming. No small feat. Oof. With our best attitudes packed, and excited to reach Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, we headed east. Oregon is a

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Glacier National Park Day Two: Avalanche Lake and Whitewater Rafting the Middle Fork Flathead River

Visions of the packed parking area at the Avalanche trailhead in our minds, we pulled out of the campground at 6:45am for our second day of adventure at Glacier National Park. We hoped that the pouring rain would also work in our favor. The heavy rains didn’t seem to discourage any of the other park

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On the Road Days 6-10: Maryland to Fargo, ND and Indiana Dunes National Park

There’s some contention in our camper about how to count the days of this trip. I thought that leaving Maryland in our camper on Tuesday, June 18th, marked Day 1 of our cross-country road trip. Mike counts Thursday, June 13th, the day we left Pennsylvania and began the phase one “Vegas/cousin camp” portion of our

On the Road Days 6-10: Maryland to Fargo, ND and Indiana Dunes National Park Read More »

A Penny Saved is a Penny We Can Spend on Our Next Camping Trip

Traveling by RV has allowed our family to travel big on a smaller budget than the same trips would demand if flights, rental cars, and accommodations were necessary. Though the expense may be less, our trips certainly aren’t free – requiring campground reservations, food and fun on the road, and so. many. fuel. charges. These

A Penny Saved is a Penny We Can Spend on Our Next Camping Trip Read More »

Weekly Adventure Rundown

After a long (albeit relaxing and fun) week away from home vacationing with family in the Outer Banks last week, this week largely revolved around catching up for our family of four. Our adventures fell in between unpacking, lawn mowing, and general house upkeep. Fishing, swimming, BMX racing, collecting wild berries, creating in the kitchen,

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